# 🚀 Backend Setup

Just follow the steps below to set up the development enviroment for the backend.

  1. Clone this repository by running the following command inside your terminal:
git clone https://github.com/MLH-Fellowship/Shortify.git
  1. Install all packages and dependencies:

    2.1 Create a virtual environment called env. NOTE: if you don't already have virtualenv installed, then you'll need to install it (see below)

        pip install virtaulenv
        virtualenv env

    2.2 Activate the virtual environment:


    source env/Scripts/activate

    macOS and Linux:

    source env/bin/activate

    Once successfully activated, (env) should be displayed in your terminal above your current line.

    2.3 Install necessary libraries

    pip install -r requirements.txt

Note: The model will be automatically loaded at the first launch of the application.